
Covid-19 has worsened problems both for the world and Africa. Sixty per cent of Africa’s population is below the age of 25, which makes it the youngest continent, with a median age of 19. Young people are the continent’s biggest resource, but they have been bruised by the pandemic in more ways than one.

“Powering Africa” often means lighting up homes and industries. However, we must understand that the energy landscape is not just electricity for lighting; it covers all energy needs, from cooking to heating and, in this technological age, charging and powering electrical and electronic gadgets and equipment in rural and urban areas. Energy is the bloodstream of society.

On January 30th 2024, the Society for International Development (SID) organized a workshop in Geneva titled “The Surging Pandemic of Health and Food financialization”  with the aim to shed lights on the growing and unregulated trends of financialization in these two separate but interconnected arenas.

Considering how neglected the issue of financialization and its consequences is in development circles, the Society for International Development (SID) has planned this workshop mainly aimed at decision-makers to raise awareness and initiate a frank dialogue on how to tackle and reverse this frightening financial trend in health and food, two highly interconnected arenas.  

The Development  Journal (edited by the Society for International Development and published by Palgrave Macmillan) is pleased to announce a call for papers for a special issue on "Data Power: The Potential and Drawbacks of Digitalization, Datafication, Platformization, and Algorithmic Decision-Making for the Global South."

In this session, the Society for International Development SID will launch the latest publication of its flagship’s Journal “Development” and initiate a prolific dialogue on the concept of One Health that takes into consideration selected regional experiences, ancestral knowledge and alternative points of view.

Leveraging on the success of youth engagement at the Africa Climate Summit, SID sort partnerships with other likeminded organizations, to forge and advance implementation options for youth engagements in climate at the global arena - the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (COP28), hosted in Dubai, UAE on November 30, to December 13, 2023.