
The future of food and the future of life on earth, as well as the solutions to the ecological collapse cannot be found in the logic and hands of those who caused it in the first place. Solutions are in the hands of women, agroecological farmers, social movements and networks that are resisting the disruption of nature and society.

SID joins the Civil Society Financing for Development Mechanism in expressing its deep concerns on the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact and its governance and policy implications. 


 The launch of Diverse Women for Diversity’s Ecofeminist Manifesto “Making Peace with the Earth – Through Diversity, Mutuality, Non-Violence & Care” took place in Rome with Dr Vandana Shiva, President of Navdanya International. 

Passy Amayo Ogolla, who serves as vice chair of IRENA Global Council on Enabling Youth Action for SDG7, noted that today, there are 1.2 billion young people aged 15 to 24 years, accounting for 16 percent of the global population. 

Nicoletta Dentico, talks about the context in which the report was conceptualized, the dangers of austerity and commercialization, and how debt and illicit money flows affect spending on health.

More than 200 organizations, including SID, have pledged to seek to change our systems in this historic Santiago Declaratio. We want our systems to place a higher priority on human rights and ecological sustainability, rather than GDP growth and narrowly construed economic gains.

In this webinar, SID's Magdalena Ackermann, will reflect together with a panel of other experts questions at the intersection of food security, climate change, migration, desertification and land rights to address key directions about the future of people and the planet.

The fifth episode of the GHW6 podcast series features Magdalena Ackermann, exploring the structural flaws of the global food system, which pollutes, consolidates control in a few oligopolies, and ravages the land needed for production, while failing to meet the world’s need for healthy and nutritious food.