Resources and Publications

Published and co-written by SID, IBFAN and FIAN International this study aims to highlight the risks inherent in the Scaling-Up Nutrition (SUN) initiative’s structure and approach that so often go unnoticed in the increasing acceptance and active promotion of multi-stakeholder models by States and United Nations (UN) agencies. 

Written for the Bretton Woods Project Spring Observer 2020, SID's policy researcher, Flora Sonkin, discusses how the process of financialisation has profoundly affecter food systems in recent decades, as financial actors and markets expanded their role in society and across all sectors of the economy.

The Spotlight Report is the Global Civil Society Report on the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. It is published every year by a broad range of civil society organizations, including SID. 

This eight edition in the series, State of East Africa Report, carries on the objective of providing new information, new insights and unlocking our collective imagination to contribute to an East Africa Community that is truly people centred.