Towards a new Financing for Development Conference (FfD4): Democratizing Global Economic Governance
The seventh FfD Forum concluded in April 2022 with member states mandating the UN General Assembly to decide on convening the next FfD conference. In a context where FfD outcome documents continue sticking to business as usual and the lowest common denominator of past agreed language, it is clear that the mandates for ambitious decisions to confront the multiple crises in front of us does not exist in the annual FfD Forum process. This is why the Civil Society FfD Group is calling for a new ministerial FfD conference with a strong preparatory process of intergovernmental negotiations that would allow us in civil society to call on our governments to agree on much more ambitious mandates and decisions.
The side event brought together member states and civil society representatives to discuss next steps towards a decision to organise the next FfD conference at the upcoming UN General Assembly.
On Wednesday 21 August 2024 the Society for International Development (SID), in partnership with Heinrich Boll Foundation, through the Sustainable Energy Futures Project (SEF) hold a virtual Public Energy Futures Forum under the theme: Unpacking Clean Cooking Developments in Kenya - Challenges and opportunities.
On Monday 22 July 2024, SID, in partnership with Heinrich Boll Foundation, hosted the Sustainable Energy Futures Project public virtual workshop under the theme ‘Energy Policy & Dilemmas of a Just Transition'.
The Youth Dialogue on Sustainable Energy Futures for Namibia, hosted by Society for International Development in collaboration with Namibia Youth Energy Forum, was held on 5 July. This event provided a platform for young Namibians to reflect on the current energy landscape and strategize their involvement in shaping Namibia's energy future.
On 21 June, SID co-organized, together with other civil society partners, a side event to the 56th session of the Human Rights Council. Panelists discussed a new report analyzing civil society engagement in UN fora, and proposed ways forward to promote the protagonism of people and grassroots organizations.