2022 LCOY

The Local Conference of Youth on Climate in Kenya (LCOY Kenya) is an annual event under the auspices of YOUNGO, an official constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The broad aim of this conference, organised by and for young climate champions drawn from diverse backgrounds, is to consolidate the youth climate actions and discussions, and further have them taken into account in climate policy and decision-making processes by state, inter-state and international climate-focused institutions.

LCOY in Kenya has provided a great platform for various young people to engage with various stakeholders in climate action. It has also aided in bridging the gap in the knowledge of local and international processes especially with a focus on policy, tackling in each year various themes based on the state of climate in Kenya. Since 2019, SID has been integral in convening the LCOY conferences in Kenya with the main thematic areas of focus of the conferences including; Food systems, Energy, Sustainable transport. These will also include some sub-themes on, Gender, Finance, Biodiversity in line with some of the thematic discussions of the Conference of Parties (COP) days to collect more young people’s solutions and voices ahead of the Conferences.


Check out the 2022 Local Conference of Youth on Climate in Kenya on our YouTube Channel:

LCOY 2022 Day 1

LCOY 2022 Day 2 

LCOY 2022 Day 3