
It’s ‘all systems go’ for the curation of the Sustainable Energy Futures for Tanzania Report. This follows a successful consultative research workshop organized by the Sustainable Energy Futures (SEF) Project team, with the support of Heinrich Boll Foundation, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on 27 August. 

The Local Conference of Youth on Climate in Kenya (LCOY Kenya) is an annual event under the auspices of YOUNGO, an official constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

About 80 percent of Kenya’s population is dependent on biomass, especially wood and charcoal, for basic energy needs. However, discussion about energy in Kenya is dominated by petroleum and electricity generation.

On Wednesday 21 August 2024 the Society for International Development (SID), in partnership with Heinrich Boll Foundation, through the Sustainable Energy Futures Project (SEF) hold a virtual Public Energy Futures Forum under the theme: Unpacking Clean Cooking Developments in Kenya - Challenges and opportunities.

In its commitment to addressing the underlying causes of biodiversity loss, SID has co-signed a Statement on Biodiversity Offsets and Credits, together with over 200 signatories, to call on governments and other actors to stop the promotion, development and use of biodiversity crediting, offsetting, and related trading schemes.

We are seeking to commission insightful, well-researched think pieces that delve into the multifaceted challenges and opportunities within Tanzania’s energy system to contribute to the curation of the Sustainable Energy Futures for Tanzania Report.

The Youth Dialogue on Sustainable Energy Futures for Namibia, hosted by Society for International Development in collaboration with Namibia Youth Energy Forum, was held on 5 July. This event provided a platform for young Namibians to reflect on the current energy landscape and strategize their involvement in shaping Namibia's energy future.

This context paper describes Tanzania’s energy mix today, and the energy choices facing its society.